To control SaaS via external tool built-in XML-RPC can be used.
Authenticate admin with SaaS Portal
All operations on SaaS Portal with client databases require authentication.
To authenticate admin with SaaS Portal:
# Import libs
import json
import xmlrpclib
import requests
# Define credentials
portal_url = <insert server URL>
portal_db = <insert database name>
admin_username = 'admin'
admin_password = <insert password for your admin user (default: admin)>
# Authenticate
common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/common'.format(portal_url))
admin_uid = common.authenticate(portal_db, admin_username, admin_password, {})
models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(portal_url))
Signup a user on SaaS Portal
Before client database can be created a user of this client database should already exist on SaaS Portal. There are several ways to create a new user in odoo. Signup procedure creates users and assign the following groups to them:
- Portal
- View Online Payment Options
Membership in these groups gives users minimum privileges on SaaS Portal.
To signup a user:
# Signup a user
client_username = ''
client_name = 'Client Name'
client_password = 'Client Password'
models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password, 'res.users', 'signup', [{
'login': client_username,
'name': client_name,
'password': client_password,
Create client database
To create client database:
# Authenticate the user at Portal Database
client_uid = common.authenticate(portal_db, client_username, client_password, {})
# Create new Client database
plan_id = 1 # specify plan you need
client_db = 'client.odoo.local'
# you can keep client_db empty to generate it automatically
# from "DB Names" parameter in Plan's form
owner_password = 'password of owner to log in his database'
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas_portal.plan', 'create_new_database',
[plan_id], {'dbname': client_db, 'user_id':client_uid, 'owner_password': owner_password})
- There will be two users in just created client database:
- admin
- owner user
- Groups assigned to owner in his database after creation:
- Employee
- Contact Creation
Get id of client database record on SaaS Portal
Id of client database record on Portal should be known to manipulate the client database from SaaS Portal
There are many ways to get the id.
from plan_id and partner_id:
# these values are given from other searches plan_id = 1 partner_id = 7 # search saas_portal.client on plan_id = 1 and partner_id = 7 ids = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password, 'saas_portal.client', 'search', [[['plan_id', '=', plan_id], ['partner_id', '=', partner_id]]])
from name of database (name of database is equal to domain host name):
client_db = 'client.odoo.local' ids = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password, 'saas_portal.client', 'search', [[['name', '=', client_db]]])
Suspend client database
To suspend client database its id should be known.
To suspend:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'params': [{'key': 'saas_client.suspended', 'value': '1', 'hidden': True}]}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
To unsuspend/resume:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'params': [{'key': 'saas_client.suspended', 'value': '0', 'hidden': True}]}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
Limit number of users for client database
Id of client database should be known.
To limit number of users for client database by 4:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'params': [{'key': 'saas_client.max_users', 'value': '4', 'hidden': True}]}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
Limit storage usage for client database
Id of client database should be known.
To limit storage usage for client database by 500Mb:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'params': [{'key': 'saas_client.total_storage_limit', 'value': '500', 'hidden': True}]}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
Install/Uninstall modules in client database
Id of client database should be known.
To install the modules 'sale' and 'fleet' in client database:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'install_addons': ['sale', 'fleet']}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
To uninstall the module 'fleet' in client database:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'uninstall_addons': ['fleet']}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
Grant/restrict access rights for users in client database
To assign the sale manager and the stock manager groups to owner user:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'access_owner_add': ['base.group_sale_manager', 'stock.group_stock_manager']}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
To restrict access for all users by excluding them from the show modules menu group:
saas_portal_client_id = ids[0]
data = {'access_remove': ['access_apps.group_show_modules_menu']}
res = models.execute_kw(portal_db, admin_uid, admin_password,
'saas.config', 'do_upgrade_database',
[data, saas_portal_client_id])
Notes abouts API integration
- Be sure, that Portal module is installed at Main Database
- Be sure, that "Allow external users to sign up" option from "Settings/General Settings" is enabled (this option is only available in Debug mode)
- To find new signuped user open "Settings/Users" at Main Database and delete filter "Regular users only"
- don't use trailing slash at main_url
- Access token is expired in one hour
- In case of log out, client has to click "Log in via SaaS Portal". Client will be navigated to Portal database and can use client_username and client_password. After that the client will be returned back to his database. Important thing here, is that the client is not able to use client_password at login page of his database.